Virtual Copilot for the BOEING 737-800
Which May or May Not Work Due to Experimental Features Being Used Airplane

Debug Markers
? needs clarification
! not implemented in sim
! has screenshot
ALTRNT WRDNG when spoken

Recognition: Your browser does not support speech recognition
Playback: Audio context enabled


Alternative voice commands:

restart, reset
pause, abort, stopit, end
skip, next, okay, afirm, confirm, confirmed
repeat, sayagain, comeagain, what
previous, goback
show, whereisit, whereisthat, showme, where
hide, thanks

At the time of writing, only Chromium based browsers (Chrome, Edge) support speech recognition.
Privacy warning: Your voice is sent to a cloud service run by the browser provider.

# apt-get install speech-dispatcher espeak
# spd-conf -C
$ spd-say "Hello, world!"
$ chromium --enable-speech-dispatcher


BOEING 737-800

  1. Preflight

    1. Pitch axis ELEVATORS MOVE
    2. Yaw axis RUDDER MOVES
    3. End of section
  2. Secure Cabin

    1. Battery (OHP) ON & COVERED
    2. Standby PWR AUTO & COVERED
    3. DC-voltmeter-SLCTR (L) BAT
    4. DC-voltmeter-SLCTR (R) STBY PWR
    5. Master caution DISENGAGE
    6. HYD pumps ALL OFF
    7. Fuel pumps ALL OFF
    8. Interior lights (Pedestal) AS REQUIRED
    9. Interior lights (Main panel) AS REQUIRED
    10. Interior lights (Overhead panel) AS REQUIRED
    11. Cabin/utility power ON
    12. IFE PASS seat power ON
    13. Ground power (GPU, ASI, ACU) CONNECT & ON
    14. Pitot covers REMOVE
    15. AC-voltmeter-SLCTR (R) GRND PWR
    16. Emergency lights ON
    17. Position lights: STEADY
    18. Lights: Wheel well, logo, wing ON
    19. Seat belts AUTO
    20. Enter into FMC FUEL/PAYLOAD
    21. Recirc. fans (L & R) AUTO
    22. Packs (L & R) AUTO
    23. Isolation valve AUTO
    24. Speed brake OFF
    26. IRS Selectors (L & R) ALIGN
    27. Enter into FMC and complete INIT REF
    28. IRS selectors (L & R) NAV
    29. Enter into FMC and complete ROUTE

      See FMC tutorial: Enter the Flight Plan, Waypoints, Remove Discontinuities.

    30. Enter into FMC and complete PERF INIT
    31. Fuel pump FWD No. 1 ON
    32. APU START
    33. APU Wait for blue indicator on APU panel
    34. APU GEN switches (L & R) ON
    35. APU bleed ON
    36. ENG bleed (L & R) ON
    37. AC-voltmeter-SLCTR (R) APU
    38. Parking brake SET (Light on)
    39. Ground power OFF
    40. Ground connections DSCNCT/RMVE ALL
    41. Master caution DISENGAGE
    42. COM1-frequency METAR/DELIVERY
    43. Squawk SET
    44. Altimeter SET
    45. First ALT SET
    46. Enter into FMC and complete DEPARTURE
    47. Enter into FMC and complete ROUTE (Check discontinuities)

      See FMC tutorial: Remove Discontinuities

    48. Enter into FMC and complete TAKE OFF (P-1 & 2)

      See FMC tutorial: Takeoff and Landing Runways

    49. Elevator trim SET (FMC data)
    50. Gangway REMOVE
    51. Doors CHECK CLOSED
    53. Fuel pumps ALL ON
    54. HYD pumps ALL ON
    55. Anti collision lights ON
    56. PACKs (L & R) OFF
    57. Thrust IDLE
    58. End of section
  3. Engine S/U & Pushback

    1. Pushback START
    2. Duct pressure gauge VERIFY 30 PSI
    3. Ignition selector SWITCH TO OPPOSITE
    4. L engine STRT switch GRD
    5. L engine fuel lever IDLE
    6. L engine STRT switch When it kicks back, set to CONT
    7. R engine STRT switch GRD
    8. R engine fuel lever IDLE
    9. R engine STRT switch When it kicks back, set to CONT
    10. GEN engine switches (L & R) ON
    11. AC-voltmeter-SLCTR (R) GEN 1
    12. APU OFF
    13. PACKs (L & R) AUTO
    14. Pitot heat switches (PROBE A & B) ON
    15. Window heat ON < 10°C
    16. Anti-ice switches ON < 10°C
    17. Yaw damper ON
    18. Flaps SET
    19. Autobrakes RTO
    20. Pushback END
    21. Taxi lights ON
    22. RWY turnoff lights ON
    23. TCAS TEST
    24. End of section
  4. Taxi (Departure)

    1. Taxi to holding point
    2. Autopilot SET
    3. AP disengage bar UP
    4. Flight directors (both) ON
    5. Auto-throttle ARM
    6. A/P IAS V2
    7. A/P Heading RWY HDG
    8. A/P Altitude Check initial ALT
    9. End of section
  5. Holding Point

    1. Landing lights ON
    2. RWY turnoff lights OFF
    3. Position lights STROBE & STEADY
    4. TCAS TA/RA
    5. Transponder ALT ON/MODE C
    6. Line up on runway
    7. End of section
  6. Ready for Takeoff

    1. Parking brake SET
    2. Thrust levers T.O.
    3. Parking brake RELEASE
    4. Yoke (+80 KTS) PUSH FORWARD
    5. VR ROTATE
    6. V1 LIFT-OFF
    7. End of section
  7. After Takeoff

    1. Trim AS REQUIRED
    2. Gear UP > 500 FPM
    3. Autopilot ON
    4. VNAV & LNAV ON
    6. End of section
  8. Climb

    1. Autobrakes OFF
    2. Landing lights OFF
    3. RWY turnoff lights OFF
    4. Wheel well lights OFF
    5. Window heat ON < 10°C TAT
    6. Anti-ice switches ON TAT
    7. Altimeter READJUST > TRANS ALT
    8. End of section
  9. Cruise

    3. Center fuel pump OFF (WHEN EMPTY)
    4. End of section
  10. Descent and Approach

    1. Begin prep 30 NM before T/D
    2. Retreive airport/METAR info
    3. Autobrakes SET
    4. ALT SET AIRPORT ALT before T/D
    5. Enter into FMC and complete ARRIVAL

      See FMC tutorial: Takeoff and Landing Runways

    6. Enter into FMC and complete ROUTE (check discontinuities)

      See FMC tutorial: Remove Discontinuities.

    7. Enter into FMC and complete INIT REF

      See FMC tutorial: Autoland

    10. HGS settings: MODE PRI
    11. HGS settings: STBY Axxx ARM
    12. HGS settings: RWY SET AIRPORT ALT
    13. HGS settings: RWY SET RWY LENGTH
    14. HGS settings: GS SET GS (STD - 3)
    15. Altimeter READJUST - TRANS ALT
    16. Landing lights ON
    17. RWY turnoff lights ON
    18. Spoilers ARM
    19. End of section
  11. Final Approach

    1. See FMC tutorial: Touchdown

    3. Gear DOWN @ FLAPS 20
    4. Autopilot DISENGAGE
    5. Auto-throttle OFF
    6. Spoilers ENGAGE (if not auto-engaged)
    7. Thrust reverser AS REQUIRED > 80 KTS
    8. Runway VACATE
    9. End of section
  12. Taxi (Arrival)

    1. Transponder STBY
    2. Flight directors OFF
    3. Spoilers OFF
    4. Flaps RETRACT
    5. Autobrakes OFF
    6. Taxi lights ON
    7. Landing lights OFF
    8. RWY turnoff lights OFF
    9. Position lights STEADY
    10. Wheel well lights ON
    11. Window heat OFF
    12. Anti-ice switches OFF
    13. APU START
    14. Autopilot RESET (bar up)
    15. End of section
  13. Parking Position

    1. Taxi lights OFF
    2. Parking brake SET
    3. APU GEN switches ON
    4. APU bleed ON
    5. AC voltmeter SLCTR (R) APU
    6. ENG 1 & 2 CUT OFF
    7. Master caution DISENGAGE
    8. Wheel chocks SET
    9. Parking brake OFF
    10. Ground power (GPU, ASU, ACU) CONNECT & ON
    11. Doors OPEN
    12. Gangway ENABLE
    13. Seat belts OFF
    14. AC voltmeter SLCTR (R) GND PWR
    15. APU OFF
    16. APU bleed OFF
    17. Anti-collision lights OFF
    18. TCAS STBY
    19. Yaw damper OFF
    20. Pitot heat switches (PROBE) OFF
    21. ENG start switches BOTH OFF
    22. HYD pumps ALL OFF
    23. Fuel pumps ALL OFF
    24. Master caution DISENGAGE
    25. All external lights OFF
    26. Emergency lights OFF
    27. IRS selectors BOTH OFF
    28. End of section
  14. Shutdown

    1. AC voltmeter SLCTR (R) STBY PWR
    2. Ground power OFF
    3. Ground power (GPU, ASU, ACU) DISCONNECT
    4. APU bleed OFF
    5. ENG bleed (L & R) OFF
    6. PACKs (L & R) OFF
    7. Isolation valve CLOSE
    8. IFE PASS seat power OFF
    9. Interior lights ALL OFF
    10. DC voltmeter SLCTR (L) STBY PWR
    11. Cabin/utility power OFF
    12. Master caution DISENGAGE
    13. Standby PWR OFF & UNCOVERED
    14. Battery OFF & UNCOVERED
    15. End of section

Programming the FMC

Enter a Flight Plan

  1. Example Flight Plan

    Altitude: 5000ft, Airspeed: 250 KIAS, Callsign: AAL1738

  2. Press FPLN

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  3. Press CLR to clear the Scratchpad

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  4. Enter origin ICAO airport code into Scratchpad

    FMC screenshot
  5. Press button next to ORIGIN

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  6. Enter destination ICAO airport code into Scratchpad

    FMC screenshot
  7. Press button next to DEST

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  8. Enter your flight number into Scratchpad

    FMC screenshot
  9. Press button next to FLT NO

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  10. Enter the first waypoint into Scratchpad


    FMC screenshot
  11. Press button next to TO

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  12. Press EXEC

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot


  1. Press LEGS

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  2. Enter the second waypoint into Scratchpad


    FMC screenshot
  3. Press button for the empty space below your last waypoint

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  4. Press EXEC

    FMC screenshot
  5. Repeat the previous steps as needed. If required, press NEXT PAGE to add more waypoints


    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  6. If there's multiple options, choose the one that matches your waypoint's location

    Note the distance: 6186 nautical miles is on another continent

    FMC screenshot

Takeoff and Landing Runways

  1. Press DEP/ARR

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  2. Press button next to DEP

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  3. Choose runway you will be taking off from

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  4. Press EXEC

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  5. Press button next to DEP/ARR

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  6. Choose your destination airport

    FMC screenshot
  7. Choose which runway to land on

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  8. Press EXEC

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot

Remove Discontinuities

  1. Press LEGS

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  2. Go to the next page, push button for the item following DISCONTINUITY from previous step

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  3. Go back to page 1, press button next to DISCONTINUITY

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot
  4. Press EXEC

    FMC screenshot
    FMC screenshot

Prepare the Autopilot

  1. Press CLB

    FMC screenshot
  2. Modify SPD/ALT LIMIT to your needs

    FMC screenshot
  3. Press either CRZ or NEXT PAGE (Both go to the same page)

    FMC screenshot
  4. Modify entries to suit your needs

    FMC screenshot
  5. Press DES or NEXT PAGE

    FMC screenshot
  6. Modify the page to suit your needs

    FMC screenshot

Take Off and Fly

  1. Taxi and Takeoff

  2. Flip F/D (Flight Director) to ON

  3. Press CMD (Autopilot ON)

  4. Press LNAV

  5. Press VNAV

  6. Flip A/T (Auto-Throttle) to ON

  7. Relax while the plane flies itself.


  1. Have VNAV set in your flight plan

    To get the ILS frequency from your FMC, you need to have your flight plan set all the way up to your approach runway. You don't need the VNAV set but you do need the LNAV.

  2. Press INDEX

    FMC screenshot
  3. Press button next to ARR DATA

    If you did not file a flight plan, selecting ARR DATA will show a blank screen.

    FMC screenshot
  4. ILS frequency shown as FREQ, your course as LOC BRG

    FMC screenshot

    ILS radios transmit two signals: One helps finding the vertical approach path (glide slope, G/S) and another for the horizontal track (locator, LOC).

  5. Enter ILS frequency into both NAV radios

  6. Enter LOC BRG into A/P (COURSE)

  7. Descend to 3000ft before intercepting the ILS localizer

    If you reach 3000 feet and you still have LNAV enabled, then you should see two diamonds next to your artificial horizon. The diamonds should be solid pink and the vertical diamond should above the middle.

  8. When both diamonds are pink, press APP on the A/P, before the vertical diamond reaches the middle

    ? Do not press APP when the vertical diamond reaches the middle. If you do, the airplane will pitch down slightly.

  9. If vertical diamond is empty, has pink outline and is at the bottom, go around


  1. After touchdown you will need to react immediately

    After touchdown, the plane will bounce and start to go into the sky again. Right when the wheels touch down, push the yoke forward, apply reverse thrust and raise the spoilers. While the airplane is slowing down, disconnect the autopilot and turn off autothrottle.

    Congratulations, the airplane has landed.