ART as a concept began very, very long ago. Recently I felt inspired to code a nice radix, which resulted in the contemporary ART you are looking at right now.
The keywords were generated with ChatGPT and have not been curated much. With my limited knowledge of astrology I got the impression, that GPT got it probably right.
ART is powered by Swiss Ephemeris.
If you believe in astrology, read: Barnum Effect, Lunar Effect, Magical Thinking.
If you are a sceptic, read: Eight Lectures on Yoga by Aleister Crowley.
Horoscopy is rather complicated and there's also a variety of opinions, how charts are read. I won't be able to provide detailed instructions, but there's plenty of web pages covering the topic; The article Principles of Astrology looks nice.
I vaguely remember some of the basics:
Some aspects like Oppositions and Squares indicate tension points, things the soul intended to learn in this incarnation, whereas Trines and Sextiles show, which tools the soul brought along.
Midheaven. Location and time of day are required to calculate these.
Ancient astrologers knew about seven
Classical Planets
The term planet
probably comes from the Greek word planḗtai
, meaning wanderers
, things that
move across the sky (compared to the fixed stars).
In astrology, the Sun and the Moon are also considered planets.
Aspects are angles between the planets, as seen from Earth.
Name | Ratio | Angle | Glyph | Name | Ratio | Angle | Glyph |
Conjunction | - | 0° | ☌ | Square | 4 | 90° | □ |
Vignumile | 20 | 18° | v | Biseptile | 7/2 | 102.86° | s² |
Semisextile | 12 | 30° | ⚺ | Tredecile | 10/3 | 108° | ∓ |
Undecile | 11 | 32.73° | u | Trine | 3 | 120° | △ |
Decile | 10 | 36° | ⊥ | Sesquiquadrate | 8/3 | 135° | ⚼ |
Novile | 9 | 40° | n | Biqunumile | 5/2 | 144° | ± |
Semisquare | 8 | 45° | ∠ | Quincunx | 12/5 | 150° | ⚻ |
Septile | 7 | 51.43° | s | Triseptile | 7/3 | 154.29° | s³ |
Sextile | 6 | 60° | ⚹ | Quadranovile | 9/4 | 160° | n⁴ |
Qunumile | 5 | 72° | ⬠ | Opposition | 2 | 180° | ☍ |
Binovile | 9/2 | 80° | n² |
The houses are divisions of the ecliptic plane depending on time and place of the horoscope in question.
There is a variety of ways,
how houses can be calculated. Placidus
or Koch
are popular house systems.
Commonly, houses one through six are below the horizon and houses seven through twelve are above the horizon.
The signs that are rising/setting at the horizon. Ofen used to define the cusps of House 1 and House 7.
Intersection between Ecliptic and Meridian. The MC is also known as Mid Heaven