- Potions
- Magery (Heal self, Grater Heal, Arch Cure, Resurrection)
- Chivalry (Noble Sacrifice, Holy Light)
- Wandering Healer
- "AlwaysRun"
- Trapped Pouch
- Adventurer's Rope
- Total Refreshment Potion
- Block while casting
- Moon gates, rune books, Sacred Journey
- Emergency Recall (Keep your rune book charged!)
- Dungeon Gates (GTFO script)
- Sacred Journey (Blocked when attacked!)
Situational awareness
- Tracking
- Monitor health (New blue gumps, put yours center screen)
- Closest dungeon gate
- Closest wandering healer
- World Map (Show party members, hover over stair icons)
- Area of effect attacks
Dungeon runs with your guild
- Muster before leaving (Buffs, food, equipment, macros, upgrades)
- Move as a group, wait for slow members
- Don't aggro mobs and drag them to your friends
- Damage to a boss can make it harder to defeat, designated DPSers
- Anchored healing
- Resurrection
- Tally after return (stash loot)
Client configuration
- Meta graphics (Tree stumps, aura, lighting)
- Overhead messages
- Client vs. Razor macros
- Dress macro
Buffs and Upgrades
- Delectable food
- Bard songs
- Potions, spells
- Aspect on gear
- Aspect upgrades, when available
- Codices
Secondary roles
- Timing practice (Hit macro on command)
- Healing (Drink the appropriate potion, cast heal/cure)
- Mange health gumps (Party, mobs)
- Rope and Teleport
- Passive call outs (Contact, Heals, Mobs, PKs)
- Active call outs (Target <mob&gr;, order group movement)
- Kiting mobs (Safe distance, don't drag to your healers)
- Anchored healing
- Resurrection
- Formations (Move to a boss room as a group)
- Roles (Leader to manage a group, follwers move or attack a named target)
- Dress (after death)
- Re-equip weapons (after casting)
- Only healing with pots/spells challenge
- Healer Hunt (bring back a bandage quickly)
- Orienteering race (Get sent through a gate and have to come back as quickly as possible)
- Meet officer at dungeon entrance or POI
- Filter training (Move to a location in a dungeon on your own, avoiding mobs)
- Clear rooms, manage respawns (and farm while at it)
- Stealth training (steal item from chest)