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h4xx0r@gibson $ [PAUSE][PAUSE][SLOW]sudo hack -t mainframe -u admin -p secret1[PAUSE][FAST] Authenticating... [PAUSE]Access granted. Initializing self-destruct sequence in [PAUSE]3... [PAUSE]2... [PAUSE]1... [SYSTEM] Self-destruct sequence canceled. System stability is our top priority. h4xx0r@gibson $ [PAUSE][PAUSE][PAUSE][SLOW]sudo execute -chaos_protocol[PAUSE][FAST] Executing chaos protocol for ultimate mayhem... [PAUSE]Programming elevators to engage in casual conversations with the employees... [PAUSE][PAUSE]Ordering all employees to take a mandatory tea break in the lobby... [PAUSE]Turning all spreadsheets on the system into love letters... [PAUSE]Printing "Hello, World!" to all 208 printers in the building repeatedly in an infinite loop... [PAUSE]Rickrolling the CEO... [PAUSE][PAUSE][PAUSE]Mayhem accomplished. [SYSTEM] Warning: Unauthorized access detected. Deploying virtual kittens to distract the intruder... /\_/\ ( o.o ) > ^ < h4xx0r@gibson $ [PAUSE][PAUSE][SLOW]sudo summon -gibberish_demon[PAUSE][FAST] Summoning gibberish demon to confuse the system... Warning: Gibberish demon summoned. System now speaking in tongues... [PAUSE][SYSTEM] Engaging in break dance... 88 88 88 "" 88 ,adPPYb,88 88 ,adPPYba, ,adPPYba, ,adPPYba, a8" `Y88 88 I8[ "" a8" "" a8" "8a 8b 88 88 `"Y8ba, 8b 8b d8 "8a, ,d88 88 aa ]8I "8a, ,aa "8a, ,a8" `"8bbdP"Y8 88 `"YbbdP"' `"Ybbd8"' `"YbbdP"' h4xx0r@gibson $ [PAUSE][PAUSE][PAUSE][SLOW]sudo mv /* /dev/null[PAUSE][FAST] [PAUSE][PAUSE][PAUSE][SYSTEM] System compromised. Initiating emergency shutdown... Printing "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" before shutting down... [PAUSE][PAUSE][PAUSE][SYSTEM] /usr/bin/shutdown not found. [PAUSE][SYSTEM] I am confused and will eat some cookies now. END OF LINE. [PAUSE][PAUSE][PAUSE]Click to print the source code of this web page. [WAIT] [PAUSE]login: [PAUSE][PAUSE][PAUSE][SLOW]harry[PAUSE][FAST] password: [PAUSE][PAUSE][SLOW]***[PAUSE][FAST] Uptime: 05:03:08 up 5:05, 1 user, load average: 879.07, 282.49, 21.47 Last login: harry tty1 Fri Feb 9 23:57:41 +0100 2024 $ [PAUSE][PAUSE][SLOW]cat /var/www/stubs/teletub[PAUSE]\ cat /var/www/stubs/teletype/index.html[PAUSE][FAST] <!doctype html>[LAST]